Wednesday, April 27, 2022

What is Cloud Computing

 What is Cloud Computing?

 Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources (compute,

storage, applications....) through a cloud services platform (AWS) via the

internet with pay-as-you-go pricing.

 Accessing IT resources provided by cloud provider (AWS) through web.

 Three key words

1. On – Demand (Whenever/whatever we need, we get immediately)

2. Scalable (Increase and Decrease the configuration as per requirement)

3. Pay only whatever you use



 EC2 is one of the famous Amazon web services by using which we can launch

any number of Instances (Servers) as per our required configuration with in

fraction of minutes.

 After launching Instances, we can increase and decrease the configuration as

per our requirement without stopping the Instance.

 This service (EC2) we use more in companies.

 To launch an Instance, we need to select below

AMI (Amazon Machine Image):-

. AMI is simply an Operating system in AWS. AWS has provided some pre-

defined Operating Systems of both windows and Linux. We have to choose OS from

AWS provided list only. We can't bring any OS form outside into AWS.

Instance type:-

Here we are going to choose CPU Cores and RAM. AWS is giving them as

pairs. AWS paired best possible combinations form which we get maximum

performance. These pairs we call as instance types.

EBS (Elastic Block Storage):-

EBS is simply a Hard disk that we attach to Instances. We can choose any

amount of hard disk. We can have any no of drives as well. In this hard disk, we

can keep both Operating System as well as Objects (MP3, MP4, Pictures,


 When we combine above all, we will get our required configured Server. That

server in AWS we call as Instance.

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