Jenkins Installation
Jenkins First Job
Jenkins configuration
Plugin Installation
User Creation
RBAC in Jenkins
Use of Git Plugin Clean Workspace
Trigger job remotely
Upstream and downstream Job
Build periodically
Poll SCM
Jenkins environment variable
Parameterized Jenkins job
Enable and Disable job
Build job concurrent or Parallel
Jenkins custom workspace
Change Jenkins job name
Jenkins pipeline
Continuous delivery and Deployment
Deploy war to tomcat
Jenkins master-slave configuration
Pipeline as a Code
Continuous Integration is a development approach in which members work on the same project coordinate to integrate their work more frequently. The code is integrated into a shared repository, and any integration is tested by automated test cases or sequences to look for an error. Each team member is expected to integrate their code at least once a day or more as and when required
Jenkins Pipeline Type:
- Declarative pipeline syntax
- Scripted pipeline syntax
The Declarative Pipelines is a relatively new feature that supports the concept of code pipeline. It enables the reading and writing of the pipeline code. This code is written within a Jenkinsfile, which can be tested into a tool such as Git for source control.
The Scripted pipeline is a typical method of code writing. The Jenkinsfile is written on the Jenkins user interface instance in this pipeline.
While both of these pipelines are Groovy-based, the scripted pipeline uses more strict Groovy-based syntaxes. This is because it was the first groovy foundation pipeline that was created for use. As this Groovy script was not usually suitable to all users, it introduced the declarative pipeline to provide a simpler and more flexible Groovy syntax. The declarative pipeline is defined within a ‘pipeline’ block, while the scripted pipeline is defined within a ‘node’ block.
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