Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Maven - Build Tool

Learn Maven Tutorial - javatpoint

 Maven - Local, Remote and Central Repositories - HowToDoInJava

Maven Installation:

Maven – Download Apache Maven

Maven comes with three built-in build life cycle phases:

  • Clean Life Cycle
  • Default Life Cycle
  • Site Life Cycle

This Clean Life Cycle is used to clean up or delete the project directory name target and its contents and prepare it for a fresh compile and deployment. The command for this operation is mvn clean.


validate: Validating the project with all the necessary information is correct.

generate-sources: Generating the source code.

compile: Compilation of project source.

test: Run the generated test cases using a unit test framework like JUnit.

package: Perform the packaging in a distributed format like jar, war or ear.

verify: Verifying the generated distributed package.

install: Install the package into the local repository.

deploy: Copying the final build to a remote repository.


That phase is called the site phase, and this phase has one of the crucial features of a maven, which is generating detailed documentation of the Project and also preparing reports about the Project.

Demo Project:

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