Monday, September 19, 2022

Ansible Lab Setup

Create two amazon Linux instances one for the management node and another for worker node.

Ansible Management node as root user


Step 1) Login on host as root and add user ansadmin 

#useradd ansadmin 

Step 2) Set password to user ansadmin

#passwd ansadmin

Step 3) Give Sudo Access to User ansadmin

#visudo - Change permission [ansadmin ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL]

Step 4) Enable password authentication

#cd /etc/ssh

#vi sshd_config (PasswordAuthentication yes)

Step 5) Reload sshd service

#service sshd reload

Step 6) Install ansible

#amazon-linux-extras install ansible2 

#ansible --version

cd /etc/ansible/

#vi hosts - Add the ansible worker node ip to be managed 

#su ansadmin 

Ansible Management node as ansadmin user



#ssh-keygen - Generate public and private key 

#cd .ssh - check the keys generated

#ssh-copy-id ansadmin@<private-ip> - Copy public key to ansible worker node

#ssh 'ansadmin@' - check if ssh connected

#ansible all -m ping - check ansible is working

Ansible Worker node as root user


1)Add user ansadmin  on worker node.

#useradd ansadmin 

2)Set password for ansadmin  user

#passwd ansadmin 

3)Give Sudo Permission to ansadmin 

visudo - Change permission [ansadmin ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL]

4) Enable password authentication

cd /etc/ssh

vi  sshd_config  

   PasswordAuthentication yes

5)Reload sshd 

service sshd reload

ip addr - check the private ip address

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